Sub Projects
Projects that I work on personally.
Table of contents
- let's encrypt ssl
- swagger diff slack notify
- Tesseract Ocr Study
- Liquibase
- Keycloak
- Line messaging API 적용 노트
- 자리배치도 전산화 작업 with chat gpt
- 2024 Gemini API Developer Competition 참여 후기
- Detect CCP(Common Closure Principle) violation
- Exception logs accumulated in Elasticsearch, send a notification to a Slack channel.
- Kafka Topic Change Notification with Slack
- When SonarQube Detects Code Smells, Send Slack DM
- When jenkins builds fail, Send message to slack channel with commit author mention
- lazy한 종료 상태 동기화 시도
- make im(identity management) service using slack api
- sonarqube slack alarm - 2.x Snapshot bug fix notes
- 소나큐브 커버리지 모니터링 자동화 작업